Our target bed finally arrived and while it is very pretty...it's not what I expected. It has a sheen to it--not what I was going for. I wanted nubby natural fabrics and linen and a vintage look to the bedding. And with the new headboard, I'm not sure if it's possible. I did find these linens at
Neiman Marcus however, that I THINK might work. I'm doing ivories and perhaps a grayish or tan shade.
cute post!
Thanks for visiting my site - love your blog - your wedding dress one is FABULOUS!
I have to say....the "Northern Nights" bedding from QVC is the BEST I've ever found. The sheets are big enough that you can tuck the top sheet in on the sides. Snug as a bug in a rug.
I have flannel and normal sheets from them. HIGHLY reccommend them. They are very reasonably priced considering the quality you get.
There is nothing more disappointing than to have your heart set on something and then the wrong thing arrives. Agghh!!! I feel your pain. Anyway, left you a comment on the Potty Barn post. That's too funny.
Why in the world did I not know of your blog? You fabulous thing you. You have some inspiring posts for me, thank you!! Do you live in Seattle?? - steph @youpaidmorethanme
I have to say that I'm lovin the 5th set down! :) I know whatever you pick will be lovely. :) Just be sure to show us.
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