to do anything. Walking is too much effort. So is breathing. I don't do 105 degrees. I don't do 95. Or 85 for that matter. 75 is pushing it. I can't even pick up all the fabulous furniture I've been finding on craigslist! So, Newton and I are just hanging out. (He's lucky he's cute..otherwise I wouldn't allow his little body to touch mine when it's this hot out. He's like a little hot pad.)
Girl.....I threw both dogs in the shower with me last night for the coldest shower we could stand. Washed them with Dr. Brommers peppermint soap, it leaves you feeling a bit "minty." Rubbed ice cubes all over their little bellies. Two huge fans blowing on us all night. Ice cubes in the water bowl, chewing on ice. Pillowcases from the freezer draped on the dogs. You name it, We did it.
Oh he looks sooooooooooo cute! Ditto on the bath recommendation. And ice cubes. I love the minty idea! And if it's too much to bear, head to my house where you can bask in our perfectly climate controlled 74* house. :)
Tell be about it!!! It's 93 inside my house :( What the fruit huh? I moved here from AZ to escape this type of weather. Keep cool girly.
What a cute picture! How can you resist that face??!!
P.S. Is that you in that picture? You look totally different from your previous picture! Still look great though :)
He is precious! :) And yes--that's me...I went brown in January for the 2nd time in my life and thought it was time to update! :)
What an adorable photo!!
And I hear you about the heat- this is TOO much! I don't know what I would do if we ever got to 105!! It's in the mid-to-high 80s with tons of humidity and I am ready to go crazy. Enough with all of it!
Awe... such a sweetie pie face he has. i loike your new picture, I am getting my hair done darker on Friday :)
Aww! Newton is so adorable! I bet he is a little hotpad, though! I'm so happy to have discovered your blog and am looking forward to reading more! I've added your beautiful button to my site and thanks SO much for putting mine up! I really appreciate it!
Newton is a darling baby! I know my Georgie would love to play with him.
I too was surprised by the new picture. I think you look great with either color.
I just moved to the beach and our weather here is 55-75 degrees this week. It has changed my life! I used to live inland without air conditioning. INSANE!
Hellish for you with that temp but keep cool and keep posting. Love to see what you are doing.
Awwwww, how cute! I just want to kiss him!
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