So the very first thing I ever painted was a chalkboard. I had plans to paint my
craigslist bench--but I lucked out and my father in law did it. But now, I have
committed myself to a pretty big project. I hope I am up for it because the end result could be
completely awesome. You see, I found this secretary desk on
craigslist. (Their photos

Their kids played tic tac toe on it!!!

It looks almost exactly like the one Eddie Ross redid! 

So this is my next project. It might take me awhile. A) I need to find some free time to do it. I have to work all this weekend. And B) I've never sanded anything in my life. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Pray for me. Seriously.
I love the one that was redid too. Yep, I will be undertaking my first sanding adventure soon too. We'll see how it goes ;)
I hope you have an electric sander. My favorite one is the corner kat by Black and Decker. It is small but powerful. It is great for small little corners and it would work well with this piece.
Also spraying works really well. A good paint sprayer is a great investment and there are no brush strokes to be seen. I paid for mine by painting other peoples projects. There are many people who do not want to tackle any kind of painting project so you could get really busy.
I know you will do great and it will be so worth it! My prayers are with you...........
The key to a project like this is.... patience.
1) Primer it get a colered one if using a dark color. I like grey car primer :)
2) sand it with a very sanpaper/fine block or sponge
30 paint and use the sanpaper sponge between coats so it is realllly smooth.
You did an amazing job! What a joy! I have a desk just like this and I want it painted now!!! Blessings dear one.
You can do it!!! These pieces of advice are key - patience, SANDING SANDING SANDING, and more patience.
Sanding gets old REALLy fast. However, the end result is totally worth it. I like what previous posters said about spray paint...might have to try that myself. Oh, and I totally don't beleive you that that Raggedy Ann doll is not yours. It so matches your style. :)
I think that it's often the thought of something that is more daunting than when you get started and it's not quite as bad as you thought....,it's gonna look wait and see .....will look forward to seeing the final result ( which is going to be fabulous ) XXXX
That transformation is just gorgeous! x
I'm sure it is going to be fabulous...Can't wait to see your results...The Eddie Ross transformation is unbelievable! I Love!
I came over to see your Where Bloggers Create post. Sorry I missed you!
My Desert Cottage
AWARD awaits you over at my blog!!!
I came to visit your blog.Enjoyed it.Its fun to be creative.Even more exciting when the projects are done and you really like what becomes out of it.Fun Finds 2 U... Chickie
That transformation is amazing, I'm sure yours is going to be perfect! Can't wait to see the finished product!
That Eddie must be a painting maniac--he just seems to whip it out and have it looks fabulous. I wish I had a particle of his skill.
I can't wait to see the end result of yours. Maybe your FIL will do it--he did a good job on that bench--I really like it. I can't make something look close to that good, unless I spray paint it.
Your blog is great. I love projects. Good luck with the secratary. That sounds funny. OK, Bye
I think you will do a beautiful job, I have 2 of these desks and have been wanting to paint them also. But well Mr. Wonderful and painting wood, you know how that goes :) Although I am selling the older one, the one that I found as a "side walk treasure" I get to redo as I wish, yay me lol and the funny thing is that I have that same picture you have as inspiration for mine too :) Good I said I know it will turn out beautiful :) Rose
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