I don't ever wake up early. Ever. 8am is early for me, by the way. But I work at 2pm everyday, and well, I like to sleep. Anyway, today was different. I was up at 4:30am. My
eyes burned. BAD. But it was totally worth it, because I went to my first Barn House event! My friend Eva and I made the 3 and a half hour drive to get their bright and early and I'm so glad we did. Stuff was flying outta there! We made about 5 laps, each time picking up a different treasure. I only missed out on one thing I wanted--a little whale, that I am still thinking about! Here are a few pics of the day. Some great ideas that I'm going to duplicate. My treasures tomorrow! :)
Uhh...i want that striped cane bench. Where was this place? Please tell...i too live near you.
where do you live? This was in Battle Ground Wa--almost by Portland. :)
wow! there's a ton of stuff, can't wait to see what you picked up :)
Definitely worth burning eyes. Can't believe this was Battle Ground! Here I was near there in June D: I always have bad timing. Love the lockers & the skirted bench; chickens too!
WOW! Lucky duck.... please tell me you came home with that ruffly bench, I will be forever jealous! Can't wait to see your treasures! wish I lived there!
Wow!! Great treasures...I wish I was there too!
I am so bummed I couldn't go. Loving the pictures and can't wait to see what ya got.
Divine! Those burlap number pillows are tdf! And those little metal drawers that look like they came from a card catalog in the library.
ughh, i love ALL.OF.THESE.THINGS!!
I am so glad you came out to see BH! Isn't it just incredible???
Next month is another must see. Linda & Ludmil of Willownest will be there. They use to live in Washougal & had events like BH. That is where I met Joe & Jermonne. Linda & Ludmil are all our mentors. They will be bringing some fab stuff from the great flea market state of Texas.
Hope to see you there!
thanks for the comment. I do reconize that toast rack. I fell in love with them in England. They served toast in them! It was cold. I usually eat mine next to the toaster. Happy to have you check me out!!!!!!!!~
The Withies
Thank you for coming out to the show...and all the kind and very generous words about our show. :o)
J & J
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