Lots has changed in my life. Where to start. Well, I hate to talk about it...but I'm getting a divorce. It's not fun. It's incredibly hard. I never thought I'd be here. I'm angry. I'm sad. But happy to have it almost behind me. I've learned what I will and won't tolerate in a relationship and know that I deserve to be treated well. It took me a long time to think that I deserved that. But here I am. And despite the fact that I'll probably be in therapy for the rest of my life (fingers crossed that doesn't happen), I'm genuinely happy. I've got a great new dude in my life and work couldn't be better. It sucks to start over, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Through it all...I'm trying to keep my sense of humor in tact. And my boobies perky. :)