So I've been getting questions lately about my here goes. I've been blonde all my life. Until January that is. I couldn't afford the upkeep and my hair was seriously going to fall out of my head it was in such poor shape.

So I went to my natural hair color. I like to call it poop brown. Charming, I know.

But I think my hair is on strike or something, because it just refuses to grow. So, when I read about
Aubrey using hair extensions...I jumped aboard the fake hair train. (Although, it is real human hair.)

And here are the results.

I think it's a pretty close match to my actual hair color. And I'm kinda in love with having long hair. :)
OMG...i couldn't even tell. Just like mine!!! We must have the same poop hair color :) LOL
I love are absolutely gorg...poop brown and all!
I wear those too and I LOVE them! You can't even tell on you..they look great!! : ]
You're kind of in love with having long hair and I'm kind of a jelis h8r. It looks so good!!!
Not everyone is lucky enough to look good as a blonde and/or a brunette. You are blessed!
Aha, I see. :) Wow, you can't even tell that those are extensions. It looks beautiful.
Wow- your hair looks gorgeous! And I would have never guessed that you had extensions put in! I love your natural color... I certainly wouldn't put the name on it that you have, haha! I think it suits you. :) And it is so much easier than all the upkeep of dye jobs and salon visits. :)
Love it! Love it! Big hug for your birthday too! Digella
I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I have "poop brown" too and my kids have blonde hair! I am SOOO sick of being called their babysitter...that I ALWAYS think about going light! hmmm...maybe light AND long! :) LOVE IT!
Great idea !
My hair refuses to grow anymore too but, I am about 10 years older....but, thinking back my hair started to slow down about 10 years ago. The back grows a little but my sides - they won't budge....I stopped highlighting about a year ago and try to not use heat on it very often......I dream of long hair - very cool !
I couldn't tell either!! I would have never known! Love your hair dark too!
Hi Susan, I just wanted to say that I LOVE your new hair color "poop brown" and all but then maybe I am a lil predjudiced cause it is just like mine! lol I too love long hair, mine is now to my waist and curly (more like frizzy) I think long hair looks marvelous on you too :) What helped me and my sister when our hair just wasn't growing, were some vitamins our mama got us, I believe they were from NEXUS, the hair and nails ones I think. They really worked, hair came in thick too (but we all have thick hair) Doesn't hurt to try, let me know if your intrested and I will ask my mama to make sure I am telling you the right ones :) p.s. I am really liken your blog :) Rose
Hello Susan - I absolutely love your new "do!" The color match is perfect. You look beautiful both blond and natural. Fabulous!
Your hair looks great! Love the new color. I have had dark brown/black hair my whole life. I wanted to be blond forever. Now I am glad to be me.
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