Everything in my house is CLOSE to being done.....but not quite there. My hutch transformation is almost done...except for the doors and a few knobs. And then there's my front porch. I'm missing a small red candle for the smaller of the two lanterns. How hard is it to run to the store and get a red candle? AND I'm still missing something above the bench. I just want it to magically get done. Where are my super productive magic gnomes when I need them!?
patience. patience. patience.
Your house is beee-youtiful!
I second what Dianna said: patience, patience, patience! :) Everything will get there... and you will be so thrilled you didn't rush anything. :)
I hear you loud & clear; a huge chapter in my book! I shop a gnome you way :D deb
A magic wand. That might work. I so need some gnomes or fairies too right now.
You can have my little gnomes--but they make ginormous messes that sap all your energy until you could care less anymore about decorating and because it's one more thing they'll destroy. But don't be afraid to have some of your own--they're not all as wild as mine--especially if you're not as laid back as I am. Laid back being the fancy term for lazy in this case.
So go buy a candle--you don't have to take kids with you! ;)
Shhhh...the gnomes are resting.....they know IF a project ever gets completed...it will only be changed again! So the gnomes are resting for the redo.....
Or perhaps they have heard about all my un-finished projects...and are coming to help!
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