I'm hoping that if I make my laundry room pretty, it will make me do actual laundry. I ordered this pug poster and want to make a table skirt and a laundry board cover out of this fabric. A cute little pink and green laundry room to get me motivated!

Here is some definite laundry inspiration:
When my laundry room is ready for decorating, you are definitly helping me! All I know is that I want to paint it "Cotton Candy"... after that it's a blank canvas!
And I love love love that pug print. So cute!
I am in amor with that photo that has the black & white striped rug, vintage fabric sink skirt and vintage map! What a great combo! I also always like when people use old doll houses as shelves. We recently redid our mud room and Of course I blogged about it. You'll have to check it out. :)
***sigh*** my laundry is in our deep dark basement and not at all pretty. Last night as I was doing a load the biggest spider scurried out and nearly gave me a heart attack. What I'd give for one of these you've featured :)
I have the laundry powder box. Another idea is to have a vintage salad or punch bowl and use a cute teacup as a scoop. Anyway, you have just given me the best idea. Thank you for the pics... I LOVE the doll house idea!!!
I have the green laundry powder box but I don't use powder (HE washer) so I store all my ugly laundry stuff in it (stain stick, softner, etc) I also have a little jeweled canning jar that I leave on top to hold the messy measuring cup.
at least you have a room! Our condo the stupid laundry is a closet RIGHT when you walk in the door, you should see the steps I'm taking to keep it hidden but still useful!
I love all of these! What I wouldn't give for a laundry room...or a house for that matter. I especially love the house-shaped organizer. Can you come over and make my condo look not ugly?
Thanks for all of the pretty pictures! These detergent packs would look great in any of those rooms: http://www.grabgreenhome.com/
I use them and they honestly make laundry a little more fun and a whole lot easier!
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